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World Mental Health Day

Writer: Deren BulutDeren Bulut

The 10th of October, also known as World Mental Health Day! We, as the Istanbul Chronicle family, strive to write about psychology and mental health for the curiosity of our readers so that today isn’t forgotten. The World Federation for Mental Health is organizing a Global Campaign in connection with World Mental Health Day 2023 on October 10th to commemorate 75 years of advocacy for mental health. The initiative's official theme is 'Mental Health is an Inherent Human Right.' Today, we aim to highlight the importance of this phrase.

According to the WFMH, the concept of mental health as a universal right for all individuals globally corresponds with the WFMH's founding principles, which were established in 1948. The global campaign's overarching purpose is to define mental health from the perspective of human rights, recasting the quest for good mental health as a vital human entitlement. This global effort aims to engage individuals, communities, institutions, and stakeholders on a global scale. Its primary goal is to strengthen grassroots advocacy efforts in support of mental health and the intersection between mental health and human rights. The campaign aims to increase awareness and emphasize the importance of mental health by arranging theme-based global events and embracing a diverse range of creative expressions through digital media.

Preserving our mental health is no less important than preserving our physical and biological health. Thus, mental health is and should continue to be considered a basic human right, meaning everyone, regardless of who they are or where they are, has a right to have a mental health state that does not disturb them from their daily lives. This right to mental health can expand from being protected from mental health risks to good quality care, from liberty to inclusion into society.

World Health Organization states that every one in eight people are living with mental health conditions. The leading one is depression; these conditions do not serve themselves only as a distortion of thought process but with physical symptoms as well. From condition to condition, these physical reactions to the unpleasant state your mind is in can vary from lost appetite to not being able to get up from bed. In many cases, even not being motivated to do hygiene activities. People may lose their perspective on how they perceived the world before and take an extremely pessimistic view, which can lead to self-harm or even suicide. We do not want this upon anyone, of course; however, it is crucial to recognize these conditions as ones that are treatable or at least manageable.

How the World Health Organization defines mental health holds great value. They define mental health as a “state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” We believe in the power of journalism and how it is a social tool that reaches a myriad of minds. Thus, it is our responsibility to remind and remember this day.

As we grow every day, we face more challenges, and keeping up with our mental health and our needs becomes more and more frustrating. Let’s celebrate this day and make sure we do something that makes us feel good about ourselves and where we are in life.

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